Saturday, April 30, 2011

quotes on idiots

quotes on idiots

quotes on idiots quotes on idiots quotes on idiots

quotes on idiots quotes on idiots quotes on idiots

Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog. ~Franklin P. Jones

The quantity of consonants in the English language is constant. If omitted in one place, they turn up in another. When a Bostonian "pahks" his "cah," the lost r's migrate southwest, causing a Texan to "warsh" his car and invest in "erl wells." ~Author Unknown

The artist is a receptacle for the emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. ~Pablo Picasso

Son, you outgrew my lap, but never my heart. ~Author Unknown

Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. ~George Eliot

Some people are so fond of ill-luck that they run half-way to meet it. ~Douglas Jerrold, "Meeting Troubles Half-Way," 1859

A man who was fond of wine was offered some grapes at dessert after dinner. "Much obliged," said he, pushing the plate aside, "I am not accustomed to take my wine in pills." ~Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

You will always be your child's favorite toy. ~Vicki Lansky, Trouble-Free Travel with Children, 1991

I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It's awful. If I'm on my way to the store to buy a magazine, even, and somebody asks me where I'm going, I'm liable to say I'm going to the opera. It's terrible. ~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 3

Few delights can equal the mere presence of one whom we trust utterly. ~George MacDonald

You cannot help but learn more as you take the world into your hands. Take it up reverently, for it is an old piece of clay, with millions of thumbprints on it. ~John Updike

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. ~Thomas Jefferson

May love and light fill your home and heart at Hanukkah. ~Author Unknown

It is in the nature of cats to do a certain amount of unescorted roaming. ~Adlai Stevenson

There are no perfect men in this world, only perfect intentions. ~Pen Densham, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

Name is a fence and within it you are nameless. ~Samuli Paronen

To hear many religious people talk, one would think God created the torso, head, legs and arms, but the devil slapped on the genitals. ~Don Schrader

Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it. ~Soren Kierkegaard

After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. ~J.K. Rowling

It is easy to ignore responsibility when one is only an intermediate link in a chain of action. ~Stanley Milgram

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