Monday, May 30, 2011

yearly calendar 2011

yearly calendar 2011. yearly calendar 2011. yearly
  • yearly calendar 2011. yearly

  • John Purple
    Jan 9, 04:20 AM
    New user interface:
    WYThIWYG (What you think is what you get) :D:D:D:D

    yearly calendar 2011. yearly calendar 2011. annual
  • yearly calendar 2011. annual

  • emotion
    Oct 17, 10:17 AM
    As a consumer I'm trying as hard as possible to sit this one out. :mad:

    Which isn't that hard though, let's face it.

    yearly calendar 2011. yearly calendar 2011
  • yearly calendar 2011

  • GeeYouEye
    Apr 25, 02:13 AM
    Excellent! Although I think some are underestimating the utility of negative ratings in increasing the SNR of the forums. I can't tell you how many times I've read through a thread (especially a front page-based thread) with factual errors that no one catches for pages and while other folks speculate wildly based on that, and then others go into hysterics over the speculation and on and on... it gets ugly

    A few points:

    Does this use the vB reputation system? If so, I recommend the Public Display of Affection plugin if you're going to change things to show who up/downvoted. PDA was (last I checked) not explicitly compatible with 3.8.x, but I've got it running (see sig) on 3.8.1. (If you're not using the vB rep system, why not? You can hide the pips entirely, although my forum finds them useful, to judge the credibility of who's agreeing/disagreeing)

    Seconding the comment about the style... the buttons just look... off somehow.

    Definitely do NOT hide posts based on downvotes. It just doesn't work for forums. Comments, yes, forums, no. The number should just help speed up recognition of good and bad posts as such, not be a filter for them.

    Not sure if I like the one-click interface. Using the regular vB rep controls requires 2 clicks (three, if you don't disable that damned JS alert) to give rep. It's a slightly greater commitment, which gives people a second to think before downvoting. On the other hand, it's one-click on reddit too, and I haven't up or downvoted every post and comment... it's a tossup.

    yearly calendar 2011. Tax Year Calendar 2011 Also
  • Tax Year Calendar 2011 Also

  • mdntcallr
    Oct 3, 02:26 PM
    lets hope for a great keynote:

    1- new Mac without display, performance would be better than imac, and not as much $$ as mac pro. basically a mid sized tower good enough for mid level use on graphics, games and much more. something upgradable by the end user.
    2- media center to complement the Itv
    3- new OS X 10.5 (this is a big deal)
    4- adobe news of release
    5- new HDTV initiative macs with Blu-Ray available as option. to work with current HD video editing software.

    Would like before then:
    1- would love a new Macbook Pro. with blu-ray drive, better hard drive( upto 160 gb or maybe 200 gb by then) with core 2 duo.

    2- also, love by then the new quad CPU mac pro. maybe only on highest end model.

    3- apple to have discovered a way for less expensive ram to be used in the Mac Pro. it's DAMN expensive compared to the rest of whats out there


    yearly calendar 2011. free yearly calendar 2011.
  • free yearly calendar 2011.

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 17, 05:56 AM
    How does Gnome 3.0 on Linux compare to the new UI in OSX Lion?

    I've been playing around with Gnome 3.0, and it seems like the designers have a similar philosophy about desktop navigation.

    Gnome 3.0 Preview (This is not my video):

    That's a pretty sick OS. I haven't ever run Fedora on a computer of mine, but my uncle swears by it. That video has convinced me to run it on my next box.

    yearly calendar 2011. Horizontal Calendar 2011
  • Horizontal Calendar 2011

  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 25, 09:46 PM
    No, I expect human beings to try and stop another from being seriously hurt.


    There's entirely too much "not giving a **** about each other" in this world. Social class, race, employment, on-the-clock/off-the-clock should make a **** of difference when it comes to human compassion. At least in theory...

    Stay classy, Baltimore. :rolleyes:


    yearly calendar 2011. 1 page yearly calendar 2011.
  • 1 page yearly calendar 2011.

  • flopticalcube
    Nov 25, 07:02 PM
    Mighty Mouse has shipped. Woohoo! Told me it would be 2 weeks!

    I noticed that given my two order numbers are about 20000 apart and the orders are 4 hours apart, they were doing 5000 sales an hour from yesterday?

    Anyone know if that is alot?

    yearly calendar 2011. free yearly calendar 2011.
  • free yearly calendar 2011.

  • Lyle
    Sep 9, 07:24 AM
    ... people did actually call back after his comments saying they wanted to cancel their donation because of what he said.Well, I stand corrected. That's disappointing to hear. On the other hand, Kanye West's records have shot up to number one in recent days, so he got some publicity out of all this -- and that's what's important.


    yearly calendar 2011. printable yearly calendar 2011
  • printable yearly calendar 2011

  • leekohler
    Apr 17, 02:07 AM
    Staying in. It's pouring with 40-50 mph winds. I gots me some sodomy last night though. ;)

    Hope you get some too!

    I love that video. Cracks me up every time I see it.

    Oh, I've been a fan of Randall's Animals for I while. :) The vampire bat and American bullfrog ones are great too.

    Because the promotion of homosexuality is detrimental to a society and the people who promote it know this. For example, the mere announcement of a gay history curriculum causes conflicts such as the one in this thread and especially moreso in the real world. Instead of fighting about such stupid things as this, our school system should be heavily decentralized so that you can decide whether or not your child learns about homosexual history by simply selecting a non-political, non-psychologically damaging school in your area and everything would be fine and kept separate, but no, the people who run everything love to just mash everybody into one big public school system and slowly change the rules to cause people to fight all because of what is essentially 4% of the population.

    Please explain to me why the promotion of ignorance is a benefit to society. Conflict is part of how we learn. If we are never challenged, how do we grow? Can I also assume you are against all sports? Those involve conflict and fights as well.

    And please explain, with evidence, how people learning about the struggles of gay people throughout history psychologically damages anyone. Your assertions get more ridiculous with every post. It's almost surreal.

    yearly calendar 2011. 2011 Yearly Calendar
  • 2011 Yearly Calendar

  • jonhcox
    Apr 15, 03:01 PM
    Honestly, I dig the look of it but I have my doubts about the sharp edges. I can almost promise you that the photos are faked but I'm seeing that most of us already know that. I can see the body being aluminum- isn't the Droid aluminum? There would definitely need to be a place for the antenna- black plastic or something.

    I'm hoping for something different this time. My 3G has held up well except for a broken ear speaker, but I'd like to see them push it a little as far as design. Every time I see an EVO 4G- I look at it longingly.


    yearly calendar 2011. yearly calendar 2011. annual
  • yearly calendar 2011. annual

  • Surely
    Apr 5, 10:51 PM
    May it bring you success and wealth! :D


    I already found a quarter when I was walking to my car at the gym!

    yearly calendar 2011. yearly calendar 2011. yearly
  • yearly calendar 2011. yearly

  • Superken7
    May 3, 02:42 PM
    First: I thought this was called ... oh well :)

    Second: Android supports sideloading, no rooting or any hacking required on 99.99% of all phones. You can just DL and install that app. (for now, wait until the modified ROM disables that, like the HTC something by ATT... frickin carrieres!! :/)


    yearly calendar 2011. printable yearly calendar 2011
  • printable yearly calendar 2011

  • smadder
    Jan 14, 05:32 PM
    Worse than lame.

    Where does Gizmodo operate from? I'm going to pay them a visit and turn their monitors off. If you can't tell that's a metaphor for kicking them in the shins and then the face.

    And then maybe if there's enough time, I'll force them to watch Dark Planet or that episode of Battlestar Galactica 1980 where the kids go up in a tree and turn invisible and start throwing apples at the people down below and they have those ridiculous viper bikes.

    Anyone remember Tek Wars? What a show!

    That... that was something.

    yearly calendar 2011. free yearly calendar 2011
  • free yearly calendar 2011

  • whatever
    Oct 11, 12:06 PM
    It may kill the first iteration of the Zune, but MS has stated it�s a multiple years effort � they acknowledge it�s going to be hard to beat the iPod bastion, and if at all possible it will take time. But, I suspect Apple have plenty of different prototypes in their labs, ready to be launched to complement new market demands.
    For starters I think it's odd for MS to state publicly that they expect the Zune to have poor sales. Talk about lack of faith in their marketing department. The product is half bad, they should have been pushing this product's launch in commercials and made prototypes available to retail chains in preparation for it's launch. But for some reason, MS has lost confidence in it's marketing team. I bet if the co-branded it with the X-Box product line it would sell quite well. What do you buy the spoil brat with all of the latest X-Box toys, an X-Box Zune. But that's just me.

    Microsoft is know for killing a product (see: BOB) after a lackluster launch. Don't be surprised if the Zune fades away.


    yearly calendar 2011. free yearly calendar 2011
  • free yearly calendar 2011

  • Edge100
    Oct 20, 02:22 PM
    Oh, I dunno, perhaps acquire some more companies? You know, like TiVo - with its valuable IP - for an easy $400 million. Or pump it into R&D. Or a stake in Nintendo or Sony. Or acquire the EMI Music Group (for $1 billion) as a buffer against the other RIAA members pressuring for an increase in the iTunes Store pricing. Or finally pay off Apple Records once and for all. Those are several things Apple could do* with that $10 billion that could be more useful than artificially boosting the stock by paying out an expensive dividend to grumpy shareholders.

    Heck, maybe they could go all-solar on the Apple campus like what Google is doing.

    *My personal favorite idea would be for Apple to acquire Atari dirt-cheap. This would give Apple a large library of classic titles that could be ported to the iPod, not to mention giving Apple a brand that could be used to pump out OS X "compatible" computers geared towards gamers in order to boost gaming on OS X overall and a means at gunning after Dell-owned Alienware and Dell's own XPS line.

    I whole-heartedly agree with this.

    Apple should be buying up companies, but only those that can give it some actual edge in competitive markets.

    I'll give you three examples:

    1) Adobe, for obvious reasons. This probably wont happen, but just imagine if it did!

    2) EMI Music Group. This would be HUGE, but I'm not sure Apple has the cash. It might not even be legal, given the Apple (Computer) vs. Apple (Corps...the Beatles) stuff. What's even more odd is that EMI OWNS the master recordings of the Beatles.

    3) Digidesign. This is the most likely, and probably the best bet for Apple. In case people don't know, Digidesign makes ProTools software and hardware. ProTools is the Photoshop of the audio production world; EVERYONE uses it. Apple already owns Emagic, which made Logic. The purchase of Digidesign would be a massive coup for Apple, and make it the undisputed champ of the pro audio world. And if you think this is a relatively small market, you're wrong. Nearly every movie is recorded/mixed in ProTools (with some people using either Nuendo or Digital Performer). I would LOVE to see Apple buy Digidesign, kill ProTools on Windows, and make a truly top-notch audio solution.

    Forget about paying dividends; people are making enough money on Apple stock. Apple needs to think about how to turn its $10 billion in cash into $50 billion in cash. And the way to do that is to grow. Buy up companies!!!

    yearly calendar 2011. calendar 2011 printable.
  • calendar 2011 printable.

  • DrFrankTM
    Sep 12, 11:38 AM
    Engadget is reporting that Woz will be in the audience today. When is the last time Woz showed up at anything Apple? This event could be bigger than we thought if it gets Woz to show up.

    Apple's 30th birthday party? A bit late, for sure, but it's not like they did much on April 1st.


    yearly calendar 2011. 2011 Huge Antique Truck under Tree Yearly Calendar Poster by CountryCorner. A full color photo of an old antique farmer#39;s truck, parked to rust away in tall
  • 2011 Huge Antique Truck under Tree Yearly Calendar Poster by CountryCorner. A full color photo of an old antique farmer#39;s truck, parked to rust away in tall

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 26, 10:19 AM
    You're not a skinny girl. Being attacked like that typically puts one into a state of shock especially if one doesn't have the fight/flight response of a typical male.

    He is a male, just like me, I can't believe you don't understand that...

    He thinks he is female which is a whole other thing

    That's nice. IMO, your opinions are worthless. You're just looking to stir **** up. As I said, your act is wearing thin.

    I bolded a key word in your quote. IMO

    I'm not looking to stir anything up, so stop insinuating.

    Just because I have a different opinion from you doesn't justify your annoying statement, "your act is wearing thin"

    Really guy? I could care less about what you think so stop -__-

    yearly calendar 2011. printable yearly calendar 2011
  • printable yearly calendar 2011

  • skunk
    Apr 27, 12:58 PM
    When did I say anything about what people are "entitled" to be???You implied it very clearly in the post Mord was replying to.

    yearly calendar 2011. yearly calendar 2011. yearly
  • yearly calendar 2011. yearly

  • pmz
    May 2, 01:43 PM
    I find it hilarious that Steve Jobs claimed Apple was not tracking users, but now all of a sudden we find Location tracking being completely removed from this version of iOS, that is honestly something that annoyes me..

    It should annoy you, and everyone, because its a ridiculous shell game. Smart people know this, but smart people aren't the majority on blogs.

    Sep 12, 01:19 AM
    If it's just Disney, then there's not much point. The reason iTMS succeeded from the start was that it was simple and it had the largest library from which you could purchase single songs.

    The iTMS didn't start with the largest library or all the record labels on board.* Having Disney also means the studios it owns, like Miramax.* There will be a healthy selection of films for a first start.

    Apr 16, 07:50 AM
    I had seen these before, wasnt this from a guy who made his own metal iphone? it looks cheap

    Jan 10, 06:41 PM
    Dude...I think I have have just soiled myself. That is exactly what I want! *whines* JOOOOOOBS! I WANT IT!

    Reading below

    Why will MWSF 2008 be big? Because from the article it says that Apple wanted to keep lines looking the same, so there wasn't too much change as the iPhone was worked on (if you've read the Wired article about the birth of the iPhone, there was some *serious* hair pulling going on - apparently one Apple worker slammed a door so hard it bent the handle - taking hours to fix...) - they had to slim down Leopard before it was launched!

    So what has R&D and the developers being working on soooo much that the Developor API had to be hidden for months? And that the FASTEST and newest Mac out there didn't even make it into the Keynote?!

    We've seen in the last few weeks -
    Pretty much complete loss of DRM from the labels, to move to watermarking.
    Pretty much complete move to Blu Ray as DVD successor of choice (though note the quad hd screens - monitors can easily now outperform the 1080p resolution)
    The CES showing Apple a year ahead, and Apple being missed. The biggest hits at CES? Buglabs?? Bull - Alienware's gamer screen (linked with the Wii remote hack to turn your TV to 3D this'd be *awesome*), Wireless USB, USB displays, that link easily to daisychain (and can be done remotely too), WiMax, USB3 demo'd. Big TV's, projectors were big. Apple should have noted this, and have caught on to the fact that if it offers a decent Hub, that people will plug their HD gaming rigs, and other boxes to it, and it'll rule the den/roost.

    This is Apple's moment to be head and shoulders ahead, and right after CES 2008. Whilst they'll still not release everything in one go at MWSF - you can expect meaty updates across all lines this year.

    P.S. - Anyone know why the new Mac Pro was called Early 2008? Is that normal naming?

    Jan 6, 04:03 AM
    I would love to do this, but I'm put off by the whole 'unusable stream' thing that is inevitable for the first day or so.

    It's a shame Apple don't use the same tech used for their movie trailers - at least that way I can wait until it's half loaded before I start watching. That way it can be watched without any stutters or pauses.

    Even better, a full download via bittorrent would be ideal - and no doubt save them a packet on bandwidth.

    That said, am I correct in thinking that you can save the completed file with QT Pro? Perhaps someone could do that and make a torrent from it?

    Apr 26, 08:20 AM

    <cynical> Acting for the video? </cynical>

    Seriously, at indicated above with the drive-through mugging, look no further than your nearest lawyer, for this American phenomena of people sitting on their hands when there is trouble.

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