Monday, May 30, 2011

girls in yoga pants

girls in yoga pants. Funny: Girls in yoga pants
  • Funny: Girls in yoga pants

  • EricNau
    Jan 12, 12:12 AM
    Steve Jobs has earned the right to be smug, you however, have not.

    girls in yoga pants. Tummy Control Yoga Pants
  • Tummy Control Yoga Pants

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jan 9, 04:55 PM
    These are my predictions:
    iPhone 2.0:
    3G model
    16gb Storage
    Also Released in Australia

    iPhone will be release in Australia within the next month (end of Feb by the latest) only on the Telstra network. Unfortunately Telstra has exclusive rights for the iPhone, so the product will be awesome (e.g. being Apple) but the service provider will be crap....

    At my work we got a demo of the iPhone from Telstra for development reasons, we will be supplying data for a few of the services for the iPhone in Australia.

    girls in yoga pants. girls in yoga pants,
  • girls in yoga pants,

  • BornAgainMac
    Apr 5, 03:20 PM
    I was expecting someone to submit this app idea a long time ago with a fart / flashlight app.

    girls in yoga pants. girls in yoga pants.
  • girls in yoga pants.

  • Lynxpoint
    Mar 24, 08:50 PM
    Happy Birthday.

    It is so true how OS X was a major turning point for Apple. One of the things that I always thought set Apple apart was their willingness to drastically alter course when needed. I remember the System 7, 8, 9 days well. I liked working on Macs, but at the time Windows NT was a more robust beast. When a suitcase can crash your machine, you know something is wrong. So along came OS X, and it surpassed MS for many years. For MS today, I can not comment. For from 10.4 on I abandoned all MS gear, and I still refuse to work with it. Thats not because XP was bad. It was quite strong. But where MS failed was in the shell - the user experience ( I ran custom shells on XP). And where Apple excelled was in this area. The stability of UNIX with a good user interface (not perfect, no RDF here) made digital work good.

    I wonder what the future will bring. I hope for some real evolution in computing. iOS has given us some of that. I just hope that our 'trucks' don't get treated like real trucks, with little change over the years because they do their utilitarian tasks just fine.

    girls in yoga pants. girls in yoga pants.
  • girls in yoga pants.

  • Dalton63841
    Apr 28, 05:27 AM
    It would be useful if they you reached a certain amount of upvotes you can get into the marketplace too. That'll help with actual contributing users that don't post much. The current system provokes people to just post quick short responses to raise their post count.

    I agree that there should be something to come from the votes...However I can't agree that the current system provokes short quick responses. No matter how many posts you have you can't view Marketplace until you have been here 6 months. I rarely post here, but I have gone way over the minimum number of posts, and I still have another month to wait.

    girls in yoga pants. FCPS Banning Yoga Pants?
  • FCPS Banning Yoga Pants?

  • leekohler
    May 5, 05:00 PM
    We can do both at the same time. Refusing to have very strict gun control is a result of the culture problem you described. Guns are enablers for our worse instincts in our culture. Why enable them to have such destructive consequences?

    I never said anything about control, I'm talking about bans, which accomplish nothing. Many of the reasons we have huge problems with drugs are the same reasons we have problems with guns. I'm all for regulations, not for bans.

    girls in yoga pants. Girls In Yoga Pants said:
  • Girls In Yoga Pants said:

  • Markleshark
    Sep 12, 07:58 AM
    Not only is iTMS down... I just tried to get into my local Apple Store... and it was locked. Just has 'It's Showtime' in the window. Strange.

    girls in yoga pants. a yogi or yogini. Boredom
  • a yogi or yogini. Boredom

  • 0010101
    Oct 29, 04:10 PM
    For the record, i'd gladly pay top dollar for OSX 10.5 if I could put it on my own 'home built' x86 box with Apples blessing.

    Here's an idea for Apple.. start selling ATX motherboards for the DIY crowd bundled with the latest MacTel OSX version, and let the consumer just drop them in their own case.

    Really.. that would be going right back to their roots (the Apple I was sold like that)

    Price the board/OS bundle package at a point that makes it cost prohibitive for OEM's to build clones with the boards.. but low enough that the 'Techno Geek' (who would otherwise simply buy a simular spec'ed Intel Chipset board and run their bootleg osX86 on it.) is buying their parts right from Apple.

    Let's face it.. if you're a guy who wants OSX, but can't shell out the $1000+ bucks for an iMac, but could.. say.. spend $300 for the OS and a board you can just drop in your exsisting PC case, and use your current hard drive, power supply, etc.. you would probably not even bother trying to build a 'bootleg' MacTel.

    That way, Apple stays in firm control of the hardware, makes their big fat margins, and nips the whole 'osx86' thing right in the bud.. not to mention that such a program would have little to no impact on their 'full machine' sales (because the typical Mac buyer isn't a person real interested in 'building' their own computer)

    girls in yoga pants. Funny: Girls in yoga pants
  • Funny: Girls in yoga pants

  • Marx55
    Oct 19, 12:26 PM
    Check out this to boost Mac OS X market share:,39020645,39284186,00.htm

    If Apple does it, Windows (read M$) will be out of business in three years!

    girls in yoga pants. Girls in Yoga Pants (110
  • Girls in Yoga Pants (110

  • CalBoy
    Apr 25, 05:21 PM
    That's not fair. It's not the company's fault. It's called individual responsibilities and these employees should be fired.

    It's perfectly fair. McDonalds gets the fruits of it's employees' labor if they do a superior job, so McDonalds should have to pay for their employees' screw-ups if they are work-related. The legal doctrine that expresses this is called respondeat superior.

    The employees that were involved in this didn't commit any personal torts against the transgender lady, but they didn't do their jobs properly. McDonalds is (and should be) on the hook for this.

    The video was hard to watch and saddens me more because a double minority (a black woman) should know better. The irony of this beating should be lost on no one.

    girls in yoga pants. Girls in Yoga Pants (110
  • Girls in Yoga Pants (110

  • mdntcallr
    Jan 5, 02:39 PM
    it would be great if apple would put up a video feed of the keynote live.

    if not that, put it in the local apple stores.

    girls in yoga pants. girls in yoga pants
  • girls in yoga pants

  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 07:27 AM
    I can't imagine why Apple would have an event like this if there was going to be only Disney content available.

    Could be another speaker perhaps. :p

    girls in yoga pants. Foldover Waist Yoga Pants
  • Foldover Waist Yoga Pants

  • Cutwolf
    Mar 17, 09:33 AM
    This thread has 4 groups of people:

    1. The op
    2. People who think it is unethical to knowingly steal
    3. People who are defending him, who have likely done a similar thing in the past and therefore feel attacked by 2s criticism
    4. Philosophy students

    girls in yoga pants. girls in yoga pants.
  • girls in yoga pants.

  • ivladster
    Mar 28, 04:20 PM
    Welcome to 1984.

    You know there are plenty of other platforms and OS, so no it's not 1984, it's 2011!

    girls in yoga pants. Girls foldover yoga pants old
  • Girls foldover yoga pants old

  • Links
    Aug 23, 01:22 AM
    The following was posted on last Friday:

    "August 18th, 2006 -- New Apple 23" Cinema impresses. We ordered a new 23" Cinema display for our Mac Pro 3GHz. This new model (numbers starting with 2A6281 or higher) is brighter with better contrast than the previous model. Best of all, the pink hue on grey screens is gone."

    Guess they got lucky.
    Gus, at Apple's Cinema Displays (Mid 2004) forum, wasn't and his is also a "newer" version than the one barefeats got.

    "I ordered my ACD 23'' online, on August 14th, and I got a display serial number 2A6290, with serious backlight leakage, and a magenta cast on the left side. I am going to the store to exchange it or return it."

    girls in yoga pants. yogini. Boredom
  • yogini. Boredom

  • Shannighan
    Apr 8, 09:42 AM

    Return that. I'll send you my BD for free.

    EDIT: Actually I just saw you are in Germany, you can still have it if you pay shipping, but I don't know if it will work because of country restrictions...

    girls in yoga pants. girls in yoga pants.
  • girls in yoga pants.

  • dsnort
    Aug 4, 07:56 AM
    Still can't agree with ya on the cd thing for one reason, I went to a movie theatre this past weekend. I may be showing my age, but i can remember when the hue and cry was that the availibity of movies on VHS was going to put the theatres out of business, but it didn't. There are always going to be those who want the latest and greatest right now, without having to wait, and these people are willing to pay a premium. Some type of physical media will allow them to do that.

    girls in yoga pants. Girls In Tight Yoga Pants (31
  • Girls In Tight Yoga Pants (31

  • the Rebel
    May 3, 11:49 PM
    Weird, I don't know anyone who owns a truck. But that's irrelevant anyway. You can't really think that there are as many trucks as there are automobiles around. :)

    Actually, during the past 20-30 years, the #1 selling vehicle in the United States has been a pickup truck. Many of those years the #2 or #3 selling vehicle has also been a pickup truck.

    Trucks may not be as popular in the cities, but the majority of the car owners in this country do not live in the cities.

    girls in yoga pants. girls in yoga pants.
  • girls in yoga pants.

  • kingtj
    Oct 17, 10:05 AM
    Never underestimate the storage capacities people will require! It wasn't THAT long ago I remember having a 10 *megabyte* hard disk drive on my old TRS-80 computer and thinking "This thing is HUGE! I can store every program I own on here AND all my data!" And we all know the ever popular "640K should be enough for anyone!" quote regarding RAM memory.

    But if you're talking about simply the "here and now", yeah - the typical user won't have a good reason to store 30-50GB on a single piece of media. On the other hand, someone who works with video a lot easily might. (Think of the idea of making a single disc that contains a full collection of HD video clips you made and edited so you could copy/paste them into future projects, at will.) Sort of like those "50,000 clip art images collection!" CDs people buy, except your own, personal HD video version.

    I'd also imagine this would be nice for corporate backups. People currently shell out around $90-100 each for DLT or LTO type backup tapes that hold maybe 40GB or so of compressed data. They could substitute one with HD-DVD or Blueray media and have more reliable backups with easier, quicker retreival too.

    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think. I'm thinking that the majority use of those HD media burners would be to copy movies with illicit applications. Could Apple put in place some protection framework that attempted to only allow creative-works-originating software to burn HD discs, (ie, iMovie, iDVD, FinalCut and other pro apps that use full quality, large size files) therefore denying use of a program that takes a quick and dirty imported disc image and burn it to disc, so that you'd have to work around some long and annoying solution to make an illegal copy (ala burning audio CDs in iTunes and reimporting them to strip the DRM) that would deter any easy mass pirating?

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    Mar 4, 03:57 PM
    Minimum wages = unemployment, lower growth
    child labor laws = limits free will and opportunities for youngsters
    max hours per week = limits free will, opportunity for higher personal revenue
    workplace safety = bureaucracy, red tape, lower growth

    Holy effin' Shizzle batman! You don't believe this. Come on. Fo' reals? I mean really...come on. I know it, and you know're trolling. There is no way you actually believe that stuff.

    Minimum wages = employer must pay at the very least a human wage...not a slave wage. If the employer cannot afford to pay people fairly, their business should fail. Isn't that what the free market is all about? You produce or you fail?

    Child Labor Laws = really??? Limits free will?? Opportunities for youngsters? Do you really think that if child labor laws were done away with in this country that some warehouse wouldn't have the 6-year-old kid of some nearly-homeless family out running a meat slicer for $4 a day? Do you REALLY think that kind of thing wouldn't happen? And that something like that is an opportunity for that 6-year-old? You are truly a piece of work. Oh right, I keep're a troll.

    Max hours per week does not limit free will. An employer is certainly allowed to let an employee work 100 hours a week if they so want to. I know because I've done it on many occasions. I had a 140-hour week a while back. It's perfectly legal. But you have to PAY OVERTIME. If you want to exploit your workers, you pay them for it. You have the free will to work them overtime, they have the free will to accept that overtime, and then you pay them for it. Don't like it, don't do will, baby.

    Workplace safety should not be required? Bwaahahaha. Now, I most certainly do not follow most safety rules in my line of work, because a lot of them are pretty silly. But to do away with required safety procedures for many occupations is just an amazing concept. That you actually believe that employers will willingly pay more if they are not required to in order to keep their employees safe is one of the more laughable things ever.

    Don't be naive. The goals are the same, more wealth, health, prosperity, and safety for all. Conservatives simply disagree with your methods. They realize that a hand-out is NEVER the same as a hand-up, and that wealth earned is not generally earned at the expense of others, but rather to their benefit.

    So being paid overtime for working crazy hours is a HAND OUT? Really?

    Cutting wages and pay requirements and removing safety requirements means more wealth and safety for ALL? OK. Hold on, let me comprehend that. Wait, I can't because it's the stupidest thing ever uttered.

    Yes. it has been decided. He's a <censored>swell guy</censored>. There is no one who actually thinks like this.

    *edit - while I meant what I said, it's not worth getting banned over.

    Mar 28, 03:32 PM
    What exactly is a 'hater'? Someone that disagrees with the company line? Someone with a dissenting opinion?

    He didn't say everyone who cries foul is a hater.

    Aug 1, 01:15 PM
    I'm really tired of hearing this. First of all, people are not forced to buy from the iTMS, CDs still exist.

    Second, the songs can be played on a Mac computer with iTunes, a Windows computer with iTunes, iPods. They can also be burned to an audio CD which can be played on millions of devices.

    How is that "iPod-only"?! :confused:

    To use on other devices requires you to have to go through a lot of unnecessary and time consuming hoops.

    DRM should be unified - one DRM standard for ALL devices.

    Oct 19, 11:38 AM
    Seriously...Gateway still sells computers? As I walk through campus I see: Dell, Dell, Mac, Dell, HP, Mac, Mac, HP, Dell...wait, what's that? Oh, one Gateway. Yeah, who buys Gateway computers anymore? I appreciate Apple passing them up soon.

    Apr 8, 01:29 PM
    More sensationalist "reporting" from another tech blog. Best Buy has been known for holding hot items (game consoles, etc.) for Sunday flyer promotions, for years. It was obvious that was what was going on here.

    But no, Tech-Crunch-Gear-Whatever has to drag Apple, even Tim Cook into it. What a bunch of gossip rags... it's embarrassing.:eek:

    And fake outrage from the people here :rolleyes:

    They are a store and can do as they please with their inventory. If they want to keep 20 of them locked in a sealed vault they can for as long as they want.

    It only gets into the "wrong" territory if they held back stock and then charged more than MSRP creating a fake supply shortage to boost prices.

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